About us
The Moi University School of Medicine (MUSOM) is located at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) out-patient building at the MTRH-Moi University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS) complex on Nandi road in Eldoret.
MUSOM was established in 1988 as a Faculty of Health Sciences, with the first group of students being admitted in 1990. The Faculty of Health Sciences was divided into School of Public Health (SPH) and School of Medicine (SOM) in July 2005 in accordance with the University strategic plan of 2005-2015.
To excel internationally in education of health professionals, health services and research.
To contribute to knowledge, provide service and produce health professionals with practical and intellectual skills able to provide quality health service, create, preserve and disseminate knowledge.
To practice professionalism and team work To promote innovative health professional education To practice and promote integrity in health research and care provision To embrace openness, broad based consultation and consensus building in decision making.
The School was later to give birth to School of Dentistry (SOD) and most recently School of Nursing (SON). These developments have left SOM with three (3) undergraduate and 13 postgraduate programmes.