Policy and publications
East African Science
The journal publishes scientific research and innovation in health including clinical trials (on investigational medicinal products, devices, and diagnostics), application of health technologies and solutions, and other related matters. It promotes research innovation, development of innovative ideas, application of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in health, and the application of knowledge from health research innovations. EASci contains peer-reviewed articles, original articles, reviews, short communications, surveys, commentaries, opinions, book reviews, supplementary issues, essays and reports related to advancement in health and medical sciences.

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Eastern and Central Africa
he Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Eastern and Central Africa (JOGECA) is a peer reviewed quarterly journal published by Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society (KOGS). It publishes: original work in all aspects related to obstetrics and gynaecology, reviews related to obstetrics and gynaecology and case reports related to obstetrics and gynaecology.
Otherwebsites associated with this journal: http://kogs.or.ke/

Annals of African Surgery
The goal of the Annals of African Surgery is to provide a medium for the exchange of current information between surgeons in the African region. The journal embraces surgery in all its aspects; basic science, clinical research, experimental research, surgical education. It will assist surgeons in the region to keep abreast of developing surgical innovations.

African Journal of Rheumatology
The journal aims to publish papers on basic and clinical research in rheumatology and be a vessel of sharing knowledge across the globe. Original research work, reviews, case reports and other relevant scientific work will be published in the journal. The readers of the journal are mainly practicing rheumatologists, researchers, physicians, surgeons and other practitioners (nurses, clinical officers etc) involved in rheumatology and arthritis management.

African Health Sciences
African Health Sciences is an open access, free online, internationally refereed journal publishing original articles on research, clinical practice, public health, policy, planning, implementation and evaluation, in the health and related sciences relevant to Africa and the tropics. African Health Sciences acknowledges support provided by the African Health Journals Partnership Project that is funded by the US National Institutes of Health (through the National Library of Medicine and the Fogarty International Center) and facilitated by the Council of Science Editors.
Indexed on MEDLINE/PUBMED; PUBMED CENTRAL; African Index Medicus; HINARI; Bioline; AJOL; Science Citation Index - Clarivate (Thompson Reuters) Impact factor (2018): 0.842. CiteScore (2018): 0.99.