Edward Tamale Sali


Founder, Director and Resident Doctor at the Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Centre. Dr. Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda, where he graduated with an MBChB in 1974. He also achieved an MRCS; LRCP (English Conjoint-RCS) in 1977, DRCOG in 1979, FPA (Family Planning Association) in 1979, MRCOG in 1982, in 1982 and FRCOG in 1995. He has diverse experience as a consultant Obstetrician and gynecologist having worked in this specialty in several hospitals in the UK including Women’s (1977 to 1979), Torbay General Hospital (1981 to 1982), Hereford County Royal Hospital (1982 to 1983), Royal Hospital – Derbyshire (1983 to 1985) and in the Kuwait Oil Company Hospital (1986 to 2004).

Log in to use Ginger Limited mode this specialty in several hospitals in the UK including Women’s Hospital, Nottingham × Log in to use Ginger Limited mode Attended Makerere University in Kampala × Log in to use Ginger Limited mode Is the Founder ×