
The 7th East African Health and Scientific Conference

27th – 29th March 2019
Dar es Salaam - Tanzania

Main Theme

Technology for health systems transformation and attainment of the UN-Sustainable Development Goals.

Key Note Speech

Invest in Digital Health to catalyze East Africa to attain the UN-Sustainable Development Goals.


1: Technologies supporting data for health system decision-making

Pre-amble: the presentations and papers will focus on how technologies are strengthening public health governance, leadership, policy-making, the performance of health programmes, etc. They will provide insight on the status of various electronic platforms (DHIS2, HIMS, LIMS, etc.) that have been employed by ministries, and allied organisations and institutions responsible for health.

2: Technologies for Disease Surveillance, Disease Outbreak Detection and Response, and Cross border mobility and disease tracking

Pre-amble: papers and presentations will focus on innovative technologies that strengthen health information system, community health, and capacity to control diseases (e.g. outbreaks, epidemics, pandemics, and disease surveillance in general). Presentations will describe architectures of a technology-driven disease surveillance system; field practice and experience on the utilisation of (digital) technologies to strengthen health systems

3: Innovative technologies and solutions for application in, and improvement of healthcare service delivery and health outcomes

Pre-amble: the papers and presentations will focus on the use of technologies for healthcare services. The papers and presentations will demonstrate how technologies have improved care and outcomes. They will provide evidence on the role of technologies to provide accurate, comprehensive, and efficient health data, including point-of-care diagnostics, treatment, and adherence to treatment. The papers and presentations will demonstrate how primary health care can benefit from the use of Digital Health, and the role of telemedicine.

4: Costing and Financing Health: the role of Digital Health, International Remittances, Universal Health Care, and EAC status on the UN SDG's.

Pre-amble: papers and presentation will showcase the value of technologies in resource management; the economies of scale associated with the use of technologies in health. The role of mobile financial services in improving health services, innovative technologies for health insurance, etc.

5: Health knowledge management through digital technologies and solutions in East Africa: health research, training, and care

Pre-amble: papers and presentations will focus, on and showcase how technologies and solutions are leveraging knowledge management and the effective use of knowledge. The value-added of real-time data flow, training health workforce including community health workers into the technology savvy health workforce. Scaling up technology-driven research and big data aggregation and analytics.