• While HIV in Tanzania has begun to stabilize, and potentially decline, total fertility and maternal mortality have remained stubbornly high. Over the past decade, PSI/Tanzania has expanded the contraceptive methods in its portfolio from male condoms and oral contraceptives to include female condoms, injectable contraceptives, intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUD), contraceptive implants and emergency contraception pills. PSI/Tanzania has also begun to address maternal mortality through the prevention of post-partum haemorrhage and sepsis, and the prevention of unsafe abortion.

    Reproductive health services are provided in urban areas through a trained network of 300 private providers, and reaches remote rural areas through mobile outreach teams offering free reproductive health services to communities that would otherwise lack any realistic level of access. In 2014 over 50,000 women received access to a long term family planning method. PSI/Tanzania and its partners also distributed over 85% of all condoms distributed in Tanzania that year.