Research programmes
1036 results
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Cervical cancer and sexually transmitted diseases
International Centre for Reproductive HealthKenyaProfessional association -
Basic member
Factors influencing implementation of public health standards in selected city council markets in Nairobi, Kenya
Kenyatta University, School of MedicineKenyaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Pediatric Active Case Finding of HIV through Facility and Community-based Testing Strategies in Uganda (PedAC Study).
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation - UgandaUgandaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
USAID Boresha Afya Southern Zone.
FHI 360 - TanzaniaTanzaniaInternational Agency -
Basic member
Evaluation of the eave tube technology for malaria control in Tanzania.
Ifakara Health Institute (IHI)TanzaniaResearch institution -
Basic member
APHIAplus (2011-2015).
ICAP - KenyaKenyaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
Utilisation of antenatal and maternity services by mothers seeking child welfare services in Mbeere District, Eastern Province, Kenya.
Kenyatta University, School of MedicineKenyaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Health for All: Campaign for Universal Health Coverage in Africa .
Management Sciences for Health-KenyaKenyaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
Maternal HIV-1 Disease Progression 18 – 24 Months Postdelivery According to Antiretroviral Prophylaxis Regimen (Triple-Antiretroviral Prophylaxis During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding vs Zidovudine/Single-Dose Nevirapine Prophylaxis): The Kesho Bora Randomiz
International Centre for Reproductive HealthKenyaProfessional association -
Basic member
Tuberculosis Indefinite Quantity Contract
Management Sciences for Health - TanzaniaTanzaniaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
Antimicrobial resistance and plasmid profiles of Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from river Njoro, Kenya
Egerton University, Faculty of Health SciencesKenyaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Optimizing Prevention of Kidney Disease in Tanzania
Nephrology Society of TanzaniaTanzaniaProfessional association -
Basic member
Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services in South Western Uganda (RHITES)
Amref Health Africa - UgandaUgandaInternational Agency -
Basic member
Impacts of the Older Persons Cash Transfer Programme
African Population & Health Research Centre (APHRC)KenyaResearch institution -
Basic member
Assessing predictors of delayed antenatal care visits in Rwanda: a secondary analysis of Rwanda demographic and health survey 2010 .
Butaro Center of ExcellenceRwandaHealth facility -
Basic member
Prevalence and knowledge on causes of diarrhea A cross sectional study in Mkuranga district, Tanzania.
National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR)TanzaniaNational research institution -
Basic member
Structural Violence and Clinical Medicine.
Butaro Center of ExcellenceRwandaHealth facility -
Basic member
Four Pillars PLUS.
FHI 360 - KenyaKenyaInternational Agency -
Basic member
Health Promotion Dignity and Human Rights.
The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)TanzaniaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Biotechnology Program
Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)KenyaNational research institution -
Basic member
As It Is: Research Findings on the Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Access to HIV and AIDS Information and Services Amongst Persons with Disability (2007)
Handcap International - KenyaKenyaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
Validation of the ‘‘World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule for Children, WHODAS-Child’’ in Rwanda
Butaro Center of ExcellenceRwandaHealth facility -
Basic member
THETA UgandaUgandaProfessional association -
Basic member
Sauti Project
Jhpiego- TanzaniaTanzaniaNGO / CSO