Research programmes
1036 results
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Health and Systems for Health
African Population & Health Research Centre (APHRC)KenyaResearch institution -
Basic member
Anopheles funestus rearing and gene flow studies .
Ifakara Health Institute (IHI)TanzaniaResearch institution -
Basic member
AIDS in 2006 — Moving toward One World, One Hope?
Butaro Center of ExcellenceRwandaHealth facility -
Basic member
New programme to optimise the use of research in decision-making for health in Kenya & Malaw
African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP)KenyaResearch institution -
Basic member
Targeting residual malaria vectors in areas where bed nets are already widely used.
Ifakara Health Institute (IHI)TanzaniaResearch institution -
Basic member
USAID/Uganda Community Connector (CC) Project .
FHI 360 - UgandaUgandaInternational Agency -
Basic member
Developing cancer control plans in Africa: examples from five countries.
Butaro Center of ExcellenceRwandaHealth facility -
Basic member
Intravaginal Practices in Tanzania and Uganda: relationships with vaginal microenvironment, HIV and other STIS (intravaginal practices project)
Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit (MITU)TanzaniaResearch institution -
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Project SOAR
Jhpiego- TanzaniaTanzaniaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
2005: The prevalence of Cryptosporidium parvum and its relationship to the nutritional status of HIV-positive children suffering from diarrhea in Western Kenya.
Maseno University School of MedicineKenyaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Barriers to accessibility and utilization of HIV testing and counseling services in Tanzania: experience from Angaza Zaidi programme .
AMREF - TanzaniaTanzaniaHealth facility -
Basic member
Improving maternal and Neonatal Health services using PEPFAR HIV/AIDS Platform
Tanzania Health Promotion Support (THPS)TanzaniaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
Management of hospital security in general hospitals of Southwestern Uganda.
Uganda Martyrs University School of MedicineUgandaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Shared learning in an interconnected world: innovations to advance global health equity.
Butaro Center of ExcellenceRwandaHealth facility -
Basic member
Stella Kepha's PhD defence | Effect of anthelminthic treatment on malaria on school children in Kenya: a randomized, open label, equivalence trial.
Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS)UgandaUniversity / College -
Basic member
The Regional Expansion of Antiretroviral Therapy (TREAT)
Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC)UgandaNational research institution -
Basic member
The Human Resources for Health Program in Rwanda — A New Partnership.
Butaro Center of ExcellenceRwandaHealth facility -
Basic member
Ms. Allen Kabagenyi's PhD Defense: : High Fertility Fertility Rates in Uganda: Is lowContraceptive Prevalence Responsible.
Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS)UgandaUniversity / College -
Basic member
APHIAplus Kamili Health Service Delivery Project - Zone 4: Central and Eastern Provinces .
Jhpiego - KenyaKenyaInternational Agency -
Basic member
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) Dental Surgery.
University of Nairobi, College of Health SciencesKenyaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Investigation of Selected Pathogenic Microorganisms and Toxic Elements in Herbal Materials Used in Management of Oral Health in Nairobi County, Kenya .
Kenyatta University, School of MedicineKenyaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Full genome sequencing to study the evolutionary characteristics of foot-and-mouth disease virus in southern Africa .
Southern African Center for Disease SurveillanceTanzaniaResearch institution -
Basic member
Health-seeking and sexual behaviors among primary healthcare patients in Nairobi, Kenya.
International Centre for Reproductive HealthKenyaProfessional association -
Basic member
USAID Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services in Southwestern Uganda.
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation - UgandaUgandaNGO / CSO