UNACOH with support from Dialogos/ ICOEPH has implemented the PHE-Uganda project since 2010. In October 2017, the project has expanded into a phase III from Wakiso and Pallisa districts to 20 districts in Uganda (i.e. 5 districts from each region) namely; Northern Region; Adjumani, Apac, Gulu, Kitgum & Nebbi. Eastern region; Budaka, Bugiri, Kumi, Pallisa & Kapchorwa. Central region; Kiboga, Kayunga, Rakai, Ssembabule & Wakiso and Western region; Bushenyi, Kibale, Kamwenge, Masindi & Ntungamo.

The Project aims at promoting safer use of pesticides by handlers such as farmers, Agro-input Dealers and improving diagnosis and management of pesticide poisoning illnesses by health care workers with a purpose of reducing cases of pesticides poisoning.