Main objectives

  • to analyse HIV testing and counselling in EU countries as reference material for ECDC advice activity to Member States

Specific objectives

  • to map HIV testing policies and guidelines in the EU Member States
  • to identify practices and barriers with regard to HIV testing and counselling
  • to develop a theorethical framework and a model to improve the effectiveness of HIV testing and counselling


  • questionnaire survey among key-informants within the ministries of health, health authorities and professional organisations in each of the EU Member States
  • questionnaire survey on the access to HIV testing (policy level)
  • structured interviews on the provision of HIV testing services (health care provider level)
  • semi-structured interviews on perceptions with regard to HIV testing & counselling (client level)
  • applying the Piot-Fransen Model to HIV testing & counselling to specific populations/settings
  • consensus development conference on specific recommendations