About us
Ngora Freda Carr Hospital is a rural Private Not for Profit Hospital located in Ngora District in Teso, North Eastern Uganda. The hospital was founded in 1922 as a small medical mission with a donation from a Mr Ernest Carr in memory of his daughter Freda who had died in East Africa.
The hospital is run as part of the Church of Uganda, Kumi Diocese and it’s mission is:
“To provide basic and affordable quality health care services to the poor population and proclamation of the Word of God”
It is a 180-bed hospital with outpatient (OPD) and inpatient services including an attached District Maternity Unit (DMU), which provides general maternity services.
The glory of Ngora Hospital was during the 1980s when the Surgeons’ Association, and Flying Doctors’ service, used to operate from the hospital which had its own airstrip.
Following the government policy of decentralization of health services, Ngora Hospital is the headquarters of the Health Sub-District (HSD) – (Ngora County or Constituency). It is charged with the responsibility of planning, coordination, supervision, management and monitoring of the health services in the county hence acts as a referral facility for Ngora County.
Situation Analysis
Over recent years Ngora Hospital has been working to regain its former glory and fulfil its potential but much remains to be done. With the co-operation and together with the District Local Government (DLG), Ministry of Health (MOH), local population, staff and other developmental partners e.g. UPMB and other NGOs and Board of Governors (BOG), the hospital is striving towards the positive direction with the limited resources available.
The hospital is managed through the guidance from the BOG, which meets quarterly.
Services Provided
Ngora Hospital provides the following services for which we have noted considerable increase in utilization.
– General outpatient and inpatient services.
– Primary Health Care services – in an integrated way:-
– Immunization
– Health Education
– Support supervision to Lower Level Unit (LLU)
– School Health
– Disease Surveillance
– TB/Leprosy Control (DOTS)
– STD/HIV/AIDS control – case diagnosis, treatment etc.
– Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) for HIV/AIDS – with support from AIC, the district and Population Services International ( PSI).
– Malaria Control by promotion of use of Insecticide Treated Materials (ITM).
– Integrated Management of Children Illnesses (IMCI).
– Use of Homapack
– Post Test Club (PTC/PLI) – Ngora Hospital is the centre in Kumi District. It encourages VCT & positive living through dramas, testimonies etc.
– Training of nurses and midwives at enrolled level in the wards (Hands on activities).
– Specialized services – Gynaecology clinics, Ultrasound Scanning (USS).
– Dental Care Services
– Mental Health services
– Palliative Care Services