Henry Wamani


Dr. Henry Wamani MBChB MPhil PhD is Lecturer, Department of Community Health and Behavioural Sciences and Academic Coordinator, Master of Public Health Nutrition at the School of Public Health, Makerere University College of Health Science, Kampala. Henry trained as a Medical Doctor (MBChB) from Makerere University, Uganda in 1993.

He later did Master of Philosophy in Health Sciences (Public Health Nutrition), 2003 and PhD (Nutrition Epidemiology and Health Inequities), 2005 at the University of Bergen, Norway. Henry previously worked with disease control programs with the Ministry of Health, World Health Organisation and as the Resident Advisor of A2Z, the USAID Micronutrient and Child Blindness project, before becoming fulltime faculty member at the Makerere University College of Health Sciences.He has vast experience in child health, malaria, nutrition, HIV/AIDS and community research with publications in peer-reviewed journals.