The project aims to primarily contribute to achieving MDG 4 ?Reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate?, and MDG 5 Target 5.A: ?Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio? and Target 5.B: ?Achieve universal access to reproductive health?. Working with project partners ; Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) and Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK), CARE aims to contribute to the achievement of the overall objective , ?Improved maternal and child health (MNCH), sexual reproductive health (SRH), family planning (FP) and nutritional status of communities living within Kisumu slums? (Nyalenda and Manyatta urban slums) ensuring inclusion of marginalised and vulnerable groups. This overall goal encompasses the reduction of maternal deaths and deaths among neonates, infants and children under 5 years of age; reduction of the fertility rate, especially by improving child spacing and lowering adolescent pregnancies thus contributing to the well-being of women as well as improving SRH; improvement of the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women, their new-borns and children under 5 years, so that their immune system is strong enough to fend off ailments, which might be fatal in undernourished persons.