About us
St. Kizito Hospital Matany is a Private Not-For-Profit (PNFP) institution with social and spiritual objectives, belonging to the Catholic Diocese of Moroto (North-Eastern Uganda). It was built at the beginning of the 70’s with the help of MISEREOR (a German Church Organisation) on request of the Comboni missionaries and has since then provided a very essential comprehensive package of medical/health services to the population of the Karamoja region. The region is an extremely remote, underdeveloped and relatively insecure region of Uganda with very poor health indicators. The hospital capacity constitutes 226 beds distributed through the departments of Obstetrics/Gynaecology, Internal Medicine, Tuberculosis, Paediatrics and Surgery. Other services provided by the hospital include: the diagnostic laboratory, diagnostic imaging, general surgery, orthopaedics and physiotherapy, counselling, the HIV/AIDS clinic, the antenatal clinic and prevention of mother to child transmission as well as human resource development to meet the hospital needs.
Annexed to the Hospital is a Nursing and Midwife School, a Human Resource Development Centre and an Air Strip. Due to its relatively well developed and well maintained infrastructure, the hospital is a de facto regional referral health facility for the entire Karamoja Region. This includes the neighbouring districts of Teso (Amuria, Katakwi, Soroti) and annually admits 11 – 12,000 inpatients and consults 40,000 outpatients.
The hospital depends entirely on the inhabitants of Matany for its support staff and a few skilled labourers, thus not only providing employment opportunities to the community but it also creates a symbiotic co-existence between the hospital and its neighbourhood. Importantly, this also embodies a sense of ownership of the hospital facilities and its services by the community.
The Matany Hospital functions in accordance with the National Hospital Policy of the Republic of Uganda with technical guidance from the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) as well as Moroto District Health Office, local authorities, and other partners in the Health sector (including our service beneficiaries).