• Nematodes are tiny microscopic worms comprising diverse trophic groups (eg. plant feeders, bacterial and fungal feeders, animal parasites) they are found worldwide in most habitats (such as soil, water, sea and in plants and animals).
  • At icipe we work with nematodes in soil. Most nematodes in soil are beneficial and play an important role in nutrient cycling, others play a role in suppressing insect populations. A few species however are detrimental to plant health.
  • Intensive agriculture and complex small holder farming systems often leads to a build-up of pests that become difficult to manage. Among these pests are plant parasitic nematodes.
  • They infect plant roots and cause direct yield loss by preventing adequate water and nutrient uptake by the plant, or indirect losses due to secondary fungal or bacterial infections through the wounds caused by root feeding nematodes.