Shabani Ramadhani Mziray, a citizen of the United Republic of Tanzania, is a registered Medical Laboratory Scientist with a Master of Science degree in Medical Microbiology and Molecular biology. In 2019, Shabani registered for PhD in Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, United Republic of Tanzania. In his PhD studies, he applies Next-generation sequencing based shotgun metagenomics and bioinformatics approaches in characterizing emerging and re-emerging pathogens in acute febrile illness cases.
Shabani is a research fellow of the Application of Genomics and Modeling to the Control of Virus Pathogens (GeMVi) under NIHR Global Health Research Group. He also receives financial support to undertake his PhD studies from European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership. Since 2013, he works as laboratory and research scientist at Kibong’oto Infectious Diseases Hospital of the Ministry of Health, Tanzania. He also serves as a member of Quality Assurance Committee of the Private Health Laboratories Board of the Ministry of Health, United Republic of Tanzania.
Email: s [dot] r [dot] mziray [at] gmail [dot] com