Irene Mremi is a PhD Student with SACIDS ACE funded fellowships, undertaking research work on Community-Level One Health Security. She joins this PhD programme from the National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania where she was responsible for providing technical expertise on issues related to Information Communication and Technology (ICT), among which it included the design on information systems for the Ministry of Health and its programmes, development of electronic programmes and databases for research studies, management and manipulation of research data. She has also participated in a number of studies on Strengthening of the Health Information System in Tanzania. Ms Mremi holds MSc. in Health Informatics and BSc. in Computer Science both from the University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Her research interest is on the area of Health Information Systems including disease surveillance and advancement of innovative technologies.
Contacts; Email IDs: mremirene [at] gmail [dot] com imremi [at] nimr [dot] or [dot] tz Mobile; +255784333968 Skype; Researchgate;