Mr. Léonard Ntakarutimana works with the East African Health Research Commission (EAHRC) as Principal Health Officer Knowledge Management Chief Department. Before that, he was a Researcher Scientist and Lecturer, and Biomedical Research Chief of Service in the Burundi Public Health National Institute (INSP) Research Department for sixteen (16) years, and Advisor in the National Malaria program for one (1) year.
Mr. Léonard Ntakarutimana carried out many research activities on various areas including Performance Based Financing (PBF), Community Participation, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health, Food and Nutrition Health, and Youth health. As one of PBF Experts for the Ministry of Health in Burundi, Mr Léonard was involved in that financing approach implementation and evaluation at all levels of the health system. Mr. Léonard holds a Diplôme d'etudes approfondies (DEA) and Master of Science (Msci) of Parasitology, obtained at the University of Yaoundé I Faculty of Science (Cameroon), a Master of Public Health obtained at the Catholic University of Louvain in collaboration with the Free University of Brussels School of Public Health (Belgium), a University Certificate of Initiation to Health Systems Research (CU-IRSS) obtained at the Free Brussels University School of Public Health (Belgium). He has also attended several short courses, is the author of scientific articles and blogs and has participated in several conferences and congresses both nationally and internationally.