Emanuel Peter is a research scientist with a background of Pharmacy at the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Headquarters Tanzania. Graduated in 2009 with Bachelor of Pharmacy from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, India before joining Manipal University India for Masters in Public Health (Epidemiology) in 2011. Mr Peter has a particular research interest in standardization of herbal medicine, ethnopharmacology and types 2 diabetes mellitus. He has more than 5 years of research experience in the standardization of herbal therapies, ethnopharmacological studies and has published in these areas. Mr Peter is currently pursuing his PhD at Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda. His PhD focuses on the development of a standardized herbal formulation for controlling elevated blood sugar level in pre-clinical models of type 2 diabetes mellitus. He is also serving as a national coordinator of Tanzania Young east African Research Scientist’ forum (YEARS’ Forum) for east Africa health research commission.
Contact: epeterlyimo [at] gmail [dot] com/ epeter [at] nimr [dot] or [dot] tz/ epeter [at] std [dot] must [dot] ac [dot] ug. Mobile: +255764932508, Skype; epeterlyimo, Researchgate; Emanuel_Peter2