Research programmes
1036 results
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Basic member
Approaches to ensuring and improving quality in the context of health system strengthening: a cross-site analysis of the five African Health Initiative Partnership programs.
Butaro Center of ExcellenceRwandaHealth facility -
Basic member
Study on Group-Based Antenatal Care in Kenya and Nigeria.
Jhpiego - KenyaKenyaInternational Agency -
Basic member
Stella Kepha's PhD defence | Effect of anthelminthic treatment on malaria on school children in Kenya: a randomized, open label, equivalence trial.
Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS)UgandaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Expansion of cancer care and control in countries of low and middle income: a call to action.
Butaro Center of ExcellenceRwandaHealth facility -
Basic member
Development of a multiplex PCR system and its application in detection of blaSHV, blaTEM, blaCTX-M-1, blaCTX-M-9 and blaOXA-1 group genes in clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli strains.
Kenyatta University, School of MedicineKenyaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Anti tumour activities from plant extracts eg Vernon is inertia less using various methods like human cell lines and animal models.
Kampala International University, TanzaniaTanzaniaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Maternal and Child Survival Program.
Jhpiego- TanzaniaTanzaniaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
Risk factors for mother-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus-1 infection.
International Centre for Reproductive HealthKenyaProfessional association -
Basic member
Improving district facility readiness: a 12-month evaluation of a data-driven health systems strengthening intervention in rural Rwanda.
Butaro Center of ExcellenceRwandaHealth facility -
Basic member
Age-related differences in naturally acquired T cell memory to Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein .
Maseno University School of MedicineKenyaUniversity / College -
Basic member
USAID Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services in Southwestern Uganda (USAID RHITES-SW).
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation - UgandaUgandaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
Vulnerability of women in an African setting: lessons for mother-to-child HIV transmission prevention programmes.
International Centre for Reproductive HealthKenyaProfessional association -
Basic member
Attitudes toward Psychiatry:A Survey of Medical Students at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Academic Psychiatry.
Kenyatta University, School of MedicineKenyaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Road safety: Focus on vulnerable users
Handcap International - KenyaKenyaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
HIV prevention research.
FHI 360 - TanzaniaTanzaniaInternational Agency -
Basic member
Communities’ Willingness to Pay for Healthcare in Public Health Facilities of Nakasongola District, Uganda.
Uganda Martyrs University School of MedicineUgandaUniversity / College -
Basic member
Using Play for Growing Smart Children
CRS -TanzaniaTanzaniaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
The Faithful House: PMTCT Supplement
CRS - Catholic Relief ServicesRwandaInternational Agency -
Basic member
Evaluation of integrated nutrition interventions in Tanzania
Ifakara Health Institute (IHI)TanzaniaResearch institution -
Basic member
Referral Mechanisms for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV (OVC)
CRS - KenyaKenyaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
Lea Mimba
Management Sciences for Health-KenyaKenyaNGO / CSO -
Basic member
Prevalence and knowledge on causes of diarrhea A cross sectional study in Mkuranga district, Tanzania.
National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR)TanzaniaNational research institution -
Basic member
Accessibility to sexual and reproductive health and rights education among marginalized youth in selected districts of Tanzania Pan Af Med J. 2016;25 (Supp 2):2, 26 November 2016.
AMREF - TanzaniaTanzaniaHealth facility -
Basic member
China-Tanzania joint malaria project: application of community-based integrated strategies to reduce malaria burden.
Ifakara Health Institute (IHI)TanzaniaResearch institution