In rural south-eastern Tanzania, where malaria prevalence has reduced by >60% since 2000, low-to-moderate transmission still persists despite very high coverage with long-lasting insecticidal bednets. Like in most residual transmission settings in east-Africa, populations of the formerly notorious malaria vector (known us, Anopheles gambiae), have significantly diminished or completely vanished.

Today, a different species (Anopheles arabiensis) dominates in numbers, but the far more competent vector called, Anopheles funestus now transmits most of the residual malaria parasites, despite occurring in far smaller numbers. Unfortunately, the vector is also resistant to pyrethroids used on bednets. During this project, we will also strengthen, expand and transform our research team into a hub of highly skilled implementers, researchers and opinion leaders to effectively support local, national and international efforts against vector-borne diseases in future.